Due to our high commitment to clinical research we provide people even with free advice with regards to minor GCP related topics on a daily basis, visit therefore GCP mindset youtube channel.

Why we do things differently

Quality Risk Management

Medical Devices:

Quality Risk Management should be interesting for everybody in clinical research. For information about risk assessment and how to get study risk controlled take a look into our pragmatic video guide. Get a deeper insight into this topic with our video guide presented by Dr. Andreas Grund. 

Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices prior and after MDR Prior and after the new MDR there will be a lot to consider in the Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices. What are the differences between MEDDEV and MDR? How to plan your clinical evaluation? What do you have to consider to get best results? How to keep your device on the market or get a new device on the market? Find some answers and advice in our interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and Dr. Jiří Paseka.

Jobs in Clinical Research:


It’s a tough time for the Medical Device Industry. First the new MDR with many changes and now the update of the ISO 14155: Another challenge for clinical research with medical devices. Especially in the field of biostatistics we have to find ways to make the data more robust. How can we react on the new requirements? Find out in our interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and expert Dr. Andreas Beust.

Global study information:

Why Poland?  

Interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and Dr. Joanna Wilinska-Mackowiak-


Why Albania? 

Interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and David Rosenbaum.

Why India?  

Interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and Deepa Arora, Director of CLINEXEL Life Sciences Pvt Ltd.

Why Africa?

 Interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and Dr. Frank Ativie and Stephen Nenwa.

Why Scandinavia? 

Interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and Helene Quie from Qmed Consulting!

Data Capture (EDC):

Legal representative in the EU

Dermatology trials

4 basic questions regarding EU Legal Representation for clinical trials.

Clinical Research in Dermatology is becoming more and more important! But what are the hot topics in dermatology? What has changed for the dermatologists? What have possible patients to consider? Find out in our interview with Dr. Andreas Grund and expert Prof. Dr. med. Jörn Elsner!

About GCPS, processes and tools

About GCP-Service International
The advantages of online training in clinical research
Electronic feasibility studies lead to better and more robust data (with Pi-Select)
How QCTMS can help you to run your study better (Quality Controlled Trial Management System)